Wee Society

Family road trips are what summers are made of. To make sure yours is full of more laughter and less hair-pulling, here are our top tips for bringing fun and learning to the open road: 

Load up the iPad with books, games and learning apps, like Wee Alphas and Wee You-Things. Screen time is a good thing when the content is engaging and educational. 

Think of the car as a mobile classroom. Count sheep. Look for red barns and yellow cars. Point out things that start with the letter S. There's so much out there to learn!

Get silly—like yelling "tunnnnnnellllllllll" the whole way through a tunnel or stopping the car for impromptu races to explore and get the crazies out. We've also found that little surprises go a long way. Think matchbox cars, stickers, puzzles, and our personal favorite: "magic" rocks (just regular rocks with a sprinkling of imagination). 

Play games to help build critical thinking. Go through the alphabet and race to name an animal that starts with each letter. Play I Spy and 20 Questions. And for a real treat, download Wee Road Trip Bingo, free from the Wee Workshop. 

Now hit the road. And have a happy 4th of July!